What is BRONJ?

No, it is not a nickname for some famous athlete. It is a medical acronym that stands for Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. It is a situation that can develop after oral surgery in some patients that have been treated with a class of drugs called...

What are Night Guards?

Night Guards are removable appliances that people can wear if they have a habit of grinding or clenching their teeth during sleep. Grinding or clenching of one’s teeth during sleep is called nocturnal bruxism, thus the official term we use for these appliances is a...

Truth About Charcoal Toothpaste

I have been asked many times about charcoal toothpaste so I have decided to give my take on this.  Charcoal is a substance that has adsorption qualities in that it pulls substances into it.  This is the reason it is used by emergency rooms to treat poisoning or drug...