by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Dec 16, 2024 | Blog
Years ago, in the early 1990s a company called Den-Mat came out with a toothpaste called Rembrandt that was specifically used for whitening or bleaching teeth. One of the things that we saw was a decrease in the number of canker sore attacks in patients that were...
by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Dec 9, 2024 | Blog
Why is my tooth sometimes sensitive after a filling is placed or work is done on it? This is a normal response that can occur after any type of treatment is performed on a tooth. We call it a hyperemic response. It is basically when the inside of the live tooth,...
by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Dec 2, 2024 | Blog
A Phoenix reaction occurs in dentistry when we have a long-term infection in the bone at the end of the root that our body has been keeping under control with minimal symptoms, if any, that suddenly bursts into a rapid pain/swelling situation. How does this happen?...
by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Nov 25, 2024 | Blog
Canker sores are also called aphthous ulcers and are characterized as white or yellowish round sores with a reddish border found inside the cheeks, lips, gums, roof of the mouth, or tongue that are painful. They are not contagious and totally different from fever...
by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Nov 18, 2024 | Blog
Yes, there is a condition that we call black hairy tongue. It is when the top surface of the tongue appears dark and furry. It is the buildup of dead cells on the taste buds of our tongue as they grow too long and do not shed as quickly as they normally do. It may...
by David J. D'Apolito, D.M.D. | Nov 11, 2024 | Blog
As some of you know, I regularly use a Texas Instruments SR-10 calculator that I have had since 1973. It is 51 years and counting for this little piece of history. Way back in ’73, Dr. George Luther, my college chemistry professor, said we could use a calculator for...