DOES YOUR CHILD have a pacifier or thumb-sucking habit? 

A Healthy Habit for a Baby or Toddler There’s no need to worry about a baby or toddler with a thumb-sucking habit or using a pacifier as it is perfectly normal. These are perfectly healthy self-soothing habits that help a child feel safe and happy in a new or stressful situation (and most situations are […]
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Home » Blog » DOES YOUR CHILD have a pacifier or thumb-sucking habit?

A Healthy Habit for a Baby or Toddler

There’s no need to worry about a baby or toddler with a thumb-sucking habit or using a pacifier as it is perfectly normal. These are perfectly healthy self-soothing habits that help a child feel safe and happy in a new or stressful situation (and most situations are potentially new and stressful for them). And when the baby feels safe and happy, that’s more relaxing for the parents as well!

Not Growing Out of It?

Most children will outgrow this habit by two or three years of age.  If not, then these habits may begin to do more harm than good. Vigorous thumb-sucking after that age may cause a change in the way the permanent teeth come in and alter their normal position or alinement. If they’re still showing no signs of stopping by age 3 or so then it may be time to consider intervening.

Breaking the Habit

It can be easier to discourage a pacifier habit, because simply trimming off the end will make it much less appealing until the child loses interest. Weaning them off the pacifier gradually may also help. It is trickier to discourage thumb-sucking. Bitter-tasting topical solutions that are sold in drug stores don’t always work but is a good place to start. We recommend encouraging and praising successes rather than punishing failures.  Stay positive in encouraging the child when he/she is not using their thumb or pacifier. Parents can also attempt to provide activities that keep both hands too busy for thumb-sucking. At night, socks over their hands can be a helpful tactic if they can keep them on.

The Dentist Can Help

If you’re concerned about your child’s pacifier or thumb-sucking habit, we can examine the child and see if there might be an issue that could be developing with the position of the teeth.  We can then recommend advice on how to help.  See this excellent video below for further information that may help.

(The information contained in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the professional knowledge or advice of your personal dentist.)

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