Oral Cancer

Unfortunately, we have been seeing an increased number of cases of oral cancer recently.  We always check the soft tissues of the lips and mouth during routine examinations and also on emergency examinations when patients may complain about a painful sore inside their mouth that has been bothering them for a while and just won’t […]
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Unfortunately, we have been seeing an increased number of cases of oral cancer recently.  We always check the soft tissues of the lips and mouth during routine examinations and also on emergency examinations when patients may complain about a painful sore inside their mouth that has been bothering them for a while and just won’t go away. Usual symptoms might include a red or white patch inside their lips, mouth or on their tongue that just does not go away.  Some have complained about a painful sore on their gums that never really heals.  Others may say they have noticed a lump or bump inside their mouth that they never noticed before.  In some cases, they might describe difficulty swallowing or speaking as well.

When we examine a patient and we see something that does not look like the normal color or texture we usually will ask questions about its history and also the patient’s use of alcohol and/or tobacco. We have an intra-oral camera that we will use to document the lesion and we will also measure its size.  Besides documenting the size and appearance of the lesion we will also see if it is movable or pliable as normal tissue would be or rather stiff and non-movable like scar tissue. If we have any concerns about the lesion, we would then refer that individual to a specialist who would biopsy the lesion for a definitive diagnosis.

The risk of oral cancers increases with age and is associated more frequently with those that drink alcohol regularly, smoke any type of tobacco products including cigars, or chew tobacco containing products.  Studies have shown that regular use of tobacco products is associated with a 4 to 10 times increased rate of oral cancer. E-cigarettes and smoking with a pipe are also associated with increased rates of oral cancer. Another theory on why we are seeing more oral cancer these days is the increased rate of HPV (human papillomavirus). Approximately 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the USA is oral cancer so patients should be checked by their dentist regularly.

The photos you see here are of an emergency patient we saw a few years back that complained about a painful area on the right side of his tongue and extended into his gums.  He stated that it had been there for years getting larger all the time. This man had not seen a dentist or physician in over 15 years and had a long history of alcohol and tobacco use.  It was painful to touch and not freely movable.  We sent him to an oral surgeon to biopsy and confirm our findings. This patient had an advanced form of squamous cell carcinoma.

We suggest that all people get regular dental checkups as a preventive measure for both their teeth as well as oral cancer screening.  Beginning, small lesions are a lot easier to treat than if they become advanced like the one in these photos.

(The information contained in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the professional knowledge or advice of your personal dentist.)

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